Amir Koushkani, an Iranian musician and Sufi, is a master of the Persian instrument called "tar," a stringed instrument whose soothing quality is particularly appropriate for the music that stirs the spirit.

Amir Koushkani and Eyvind Kang - Sufi Invocation

Amir Koushkani and Eyvind Kang - Sufi Invocation

Deedar e Yaar, Amir Koushkani & Sirishkumar Manji

Improvised Tar and Ney by Amir Koushkani & Shaho Andalibi - Luminato Festival 2017 - Toronto

Amir Koushkani & Sirishkumar Manji

Encore, Encore SAFA performing live at CBC/Radio Canada's Vancouver, Studio 40


I encourage you to take my first free session to see if this new way of learning is suitable for you.

Register today for a free class

The first introductory session is free.

The length of our session will be around 45 minutes, and it will be recorded.

Each session divides to the four following sections:

1. Student response (performance)

2. Revision and correction

3. New lesson

4. Student familiarisation with new musical material

Contact Amir